Want a Similar Club Site?

Need a club website with functionality similar to this one - this may be a good starting point.

Having spent so much time getting this site up and running, it's a shame not to share it...

This site was originally designed and coded by Robert Griffiths with Jim Wilcox maintaining and testing the site.

I'm hoping to get other clubs interested in using the base code for their sites. The more people using it, the better the testing, the better the support, and the better the ideas...

The code is written in such a way as to be easily customisable for any club that has members that have regular events (trips in our case) of one or more days duration.

The site is designed to be member-driven. That is to say, the content of the site is automatically generated depending on trips / member information created by club members.

This page attempts to highlight what the site offers to members, and some of the features only members see.

Before reading further, please browse the site to see it's (non-member) functionality.

The basic function of the site are:


The site is designed to be fully responsive - that is to be equally usable on a PC, a Tablet or a Phone.

Home Page(On PC)

Home Page(On Phone)


Member Profile

The site has support for many different member types, for example
  • Club members - Have normal access to site
  • Privileged member - Have additional authority on site, (eg viewing other member details) - 3 levels of authority are available.
  • Associates - Don't log on, but can be included in things like bulk-emails
  • Sponsors - Club sponsors - allowing details, and advertising materials to be placed on site

    Sponsors Information (Home Page)

General pages

Almost all text on pages can either be easily modified by a sufficiently privileged member, or has been dynamically generated by the site itself.


Trip View

  • New trips are initially created by any privileged member
  • Trip leader can then modify all details of the trip, and activate/deactivate the trip
  • Trip details include meeting point map, member uploaded gps-tracks, images, pdfs, text etc.
  • Any member can join an active trip (until marked full) - although trip leader always has full control
  • Members and trip leaders are automatically emailed details of changes to trips they are on
  • Reports / Tripsheets / Emails available on members of trips


The site has two libraries, one for members, one for committee-members, which are further subdivided by content categories.

iPad:Member Library (Home page)

iPad:Committee Library (Minutes page)


Got a club facebook page - not a problem, using the postrss service, posts can be automatically generated for your page.

Facebook - autoposting

We're looking for other groups to use this code - to help maintain and develop the base code, for the benefit of all.

If you think this may suit your needs, contact us at webmaster@subaru4wdclubwa.au